Turpentine Essence - 75 ml
Price $7.31Turpentine is a solvent that you will not be able to do without during your oil painting sessions. It is also ideal for cleaning stains on fabrics. -
Turpentine is a naturally occurring solvent that is often used in oil painting to thin paint and clean brushes and tools. It is extracted from the resin of the turpentine tree and can also be called turpentine, rectified turpentine or turpentine spirit.
Turpentine is a very effective solvent that can help thin oil paint to make it more fluid and easier to work with. It is often used in combination with linseed oil to create a smoother paint that is easier to spread on the canvas. It can also be used to clean brushes and painting tools, removing paint residue and extending their life.
In short, turpentine is a useful natural solvent for thinning oil paint and cleaning your painting tools. Artists can benefit from the use of turpentine by incorporating it into their creative process to obtain the desired effects in their oil paintings.