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  • 0 kg - 0.38 kg

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  • Liquid food coloring
    <p>Paint it black! Paint it red! Paint it whatever you like! A few drops of this powerful dye will help you transform your pastries into lovely party cakes!</p>
  • Natural food coloring
    <p>Coloring your pastries naturally is now possible with Scrapcooking natural food colouring</p>
  • Edible sprays
    <p>Pschhhht! With this spray, you dazzled your guests! Give the color you want to your culinary creations: red, green, pink ...or lacquered pastries, red or golden cakes: embellish your gourmet creations with our decorative sprays. Entirely edible and colorful!</p>
  • Paste food coloring
    <p>Colour your culinary preparations with these paste dyes!  The ideal colorant for amateurs and professionals alike!</p>
  • Colored flavourings
    <p>A whirlwind of colors and tastes, all in a unique ingredient: the Color'arôme! Choose your perfume: strawberry, apricot, lemon, apple, pistachio ...</p>
  • Powder dyes
    <p>To brighten your cake a little, pour a few parcels of this coloring powder. Hop! It has now become blue, yellow, green, or orange!</p>

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