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  • Carding wool
    <h2>Carded wool</h2> <p>Carded wool is an essential material for <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><a href=""><strong>felting</strong></a></span> and <strong>spinning wool</strong>. We offer a range of <strong>high quality carding wools</strong> in a variety of colors and textures to meet all your needs. These wool balls are both soft and strong for long-lasting results.</p>
  • Accessories for felting
    <h2>Felting accessories</h2> <p>We offer a range of felting accessories to help you with your creative projects. We offer felting needles, felting pads, starter kits and tutorial books to help you make unique creations.</p>

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Felting is a craft technique that allows you to create objects in felted wool. We offer a range of high quality carded wool to allow you to make unique and durable creations. We also offer tools and accessories to accompany you in your project.